Friday 11 February 2011

Screen Shots of my Music Video

The pictures you see below are screen shots taken from my music video when it was in the making. These pictures show, what effects i used, what tools i used, what the effect looks like etc. By taking these screen shots, i can see how my video was being produced and at the end of my music video, i could look back to see how much my video has changed.

Screen shots for my digipak and Advert editing

The images above are screen shots from my digipak editing using PhotoShop. The first image you see on the left hand side is my advert in the making. It shows the advert before it was finally finished. It shows different makings of the advert. The second image you see in the middle is a picture of the different layers of the different parts of the advert. The little icon of the eye in the small box shows that layer is being used and if there is no eye in the box then it means that layer has been hidden. The third image is a picture that shows all the different tools i used to construct my advert. As you can see i used i have used the eraser tool a lot and also i have used the de-select tool, and magi wand etc.

Email Confirmation

This is the email that i sent to the record company to see if it was possible to use there song for my video. The email said ' My name is Sophie and i am studying Media Studies in school. I am writing to ask your record company, if i could use the song '1000 Miles' by Vanessa Carlton for my Media A-level coursework. I hope to hear from you son. Thank you for your cooperation.

I have still not yet had no reply from the record company.

Thursday 10 February 2011

Asset List

This is my asset list. I had to write an asset list to say what types of props i needed when i was filming. I also had to make a comment on the costumes that i wanted the actors to wear when we are filming my video. This was quite an easy piece to write up as I do not need many props as i only need a camcorder a tripod and some still photos. And for the costumes, i only need about 5 characters, 2 of them being the main so the costumes can be sorted out easily as i don't need many costume changes, i only need costume changes for the main character and the male in the video.

Shot List

I had to make Shot List. This Shot list was a big help because it had all the shots on that i wanted to use, how long i would hold that shot for, where that shot would be taking place, what effects i was going to use when i was making the shot. Including in this shot list, i had to write the timings for each shot so i know the right time to film for. If i didn't right the right times, i might have not filmed enough footage.

My Production Schedule

The image you see on the left is my Production Schedule. I wrote this Production Schedule to help me when i come to filming where i want to locate my video shoot, what time i want to film, when i want to film and what scenes i will shoot where. By making this production diary, this gave me a rough idea of how many locations i want to use, and roughly how long each location will take to film in. I think it was a good idea to make this Production Schedule because it really helped me to know when i was able to film and hopefully i will be ale to film a good video in a good amount of time. The image you see on your right is my production diary which is the time and dates of which i need to film and where i need to film.

Target Audience

The target audience of my music video would young teenagers. The reason why i would target my song to the audience is because its a type of song genre that teenagers listen too. It may also relate to teenagers because of the words of the lyrics in the song. Although i think my video will appeal to teenagers and adults.
i wanted to target the teenagers because i think they would like to watch the video, because it is fun and and appealing to young people.

Risk Assessment

I had to do a risk assessment before filming. The things i had to look out for were:
The weather: if the weather was cold i had to take into consideration of my cast that i was with during the day, i had to make sure they were Ok to film during the times i were due to film.
The location: i had to consider the location of where i was filming. I had to make sure the location was Ok to film in and there was nothing stopping us from filming in the location.
The props: If i needed any props, i had to make sure they were with me when i was filming, if i forgot any, it means my filming would have been disrupted and took much longer to film.

This risk assessment was important to conduct because i had to make sure everything would run smoothly on the day and no hiccups would occur during the filming.

Frank's Park in Erith- Risks were: tripping over trees branches, tripping over stones, cutting yourself on the benches, the weather - if its cold is there any shelter?

My House/ Friends House- Trip over the wire for the camera, trip over stuff in the house

School Studio- tripping over any wires, damaging anything in the studio

Car Park- Being cautious of moving cars, not hitting any cars, keeping a general eye on what is happening.

Darenth Country Park- The same risks as Frank's Park in Erith.

Location shots

The locations of my filming were filmed in:

Darenth Country Park
My house/ My friend's House
Franks park in Erith
School Studio

All these locations were essential to my video, because without these locations, i would not have come out with the video i made. I was luckily enough to get good weather for the days i went and shot in those locations. These locations were crucial for me as they were the locations that made my video. These locations were spot on for my video, as it gave me confidence that i picked the right locations for my film as i thought the story would flow really well. These locations were not busy at all which was really good for me as i could get stuck into my film straight away without any hassle with waiting for people to move etc, so i was quite lucky with these locations. I think the best location to film in was Franks Park in Erith, as i had so much space to work with and there was good scenery to help me locate for my film.