Monday 10 January 2011

My editing so far 6th January 2011

Since the October half term, i have been filming for my music video and i have also been editing. Most of my filming was filmed in the October half term over 2 days. After the holidays, when we returned to school, i started to edit my music video. After adding the clips i had, i found i was some missing and hen i returned to filming again. Now on the 6th January, i have nearly completed my music video, i have added effects into the video to give it a different look. Unfortunately i am still a few gaps missing but these gaps will get filmed on Monday the 10th January 2011. Once these pieces of filming are complete, my music video will be finished and if needs be i can add more effects onto the video.

Also lately i have started thinking about my digi pack which i have to make as a supporting project as well as my music video. I have had to think about the style and the colours i wold use of my digi pack. I have to think carefully when designing my digi-pack because it has to look similar to my main music video.

i aim to have my music video and digi-pack and my other supporting project finished by the end of January, start of February.

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